速報APP / 教育 / Dibo the Gift Dragon 2 - Watch Videos an

Dibo the Gift Dragon 2 - Watch Videos an



檔案大小:63.4 MB


版本需求:需要 iOS 5.1.1 或以上版本。與 iPhone、iPad 及 iPod touch 相容。

支援語言:英語, 韓語

Dibo the Gift Dragon 2 - Watch Videos and play Games for Kid(圖1)-速報App

▶Dibo the Gift Dragon 2 is and animated TV series for you little ones.

▶Download 1 time and enjoy dibo's adventures anytime, anywhere! Watch the show On-the-Go!

▶Dibo's Special Gift ONE : Dibo Camera

You can take selfies with Cozyland friends and share photos via SNS !!

▶Dibo's Special Gift TWO : mini Bubble Game

Touch the bubbles and have a fun time!

▶Story Line

Cozy Land is a village of puppets where everything is made out of soft fabrics. Here, puppet friends live in harmony with lots of dreams and imaginations.

Dibo the Gift Dragon 2 - Watch Videos and play Games for Kid(圖2)-速報App

Annie is gentle and she's an excellent cook.

Buuny is a cute rabbit who loves looking at herself in the mirror. Troublemaker Elo is and elephant who drives his fire truck around anywhere he goes. Cro is a smart crow who likes to point out the rights and the wrongs all the time. And Oliver is a lamb who sleeps wherever and whenever he can.

Dibo loves giving gifts. Through these gifts, Kids discover new surprises and unexpected joys. Thanks to Dibo's gifts, fantastic events happen everyday.

What gift will Dibo bring out next?


-Genre : Preschool Edutainment

-Format : 3D CGI Animation

▶This app is designed for both iPhone and iPad

Dibo the Gift Dragon 2 - Watch Videos and play Games for Kid(圖3)-速報App

▶Developer mail : cs@smartstudy.co.kr

Dibo the Gift Dragon 2 - Watch Videos and play Games for Kid(圖4)-速報App

支援平台:iPhone, iPad